“It Is Your Position in Christ not Your Place of Assignment!”

This is what the Lord says:
“Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans,
who rely on human strength
and turn their hearts away from the Lord.
They are like stunted shrubs in the desert,
with no hope for the future.
They will live in the barren wilderness,
in an uninhabited salty land.

“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord
and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.
They are like trees planted along a riverbank,
with roots that reach deep into the water.
Such trees are not bothered by the heat
or worried by long months of drought.
Their leaves stay green,
and they never stop producing fruit.

Life can leave you dry and unfulfilled with empty promises and no future hope in sight.

Life can leave you dry and unfulfilled with empty promises and no future hope in sight.

Jeremiah is sharing how individuals are cursed who convince themselves that they are making the best decision when they forsake their obedience to God’s desire and command (by refusing to seek God through his word and prayer and godly counsel) to rather listen to please other people who just rely on their mere human abilities and logic. V. 5
Verse 6 is an analogy that the people of Jeremiah would understand in those days the implication of their decision and action if they heard this saying.
My interpretation is the roots (contrast with v. 8) of the shrubs are too short to tap into the water supply and will eventually die. The results of their existence places them where nothing ever produces fruit (in a dessert place, which is a place absent of the grace and presence of God) or its existence fails to function (by a foreign impediment or the presence of a evil presence) as God had created it to function. This is a land that is totally absent from the existence of water (Water is always representative of the Spirit of God). V.6 The absence of God’s presence depletes the atmosphere and environment that provides and sustains life.
V. 7 & 8 are contrast to vs. 5 & 6
For people who continue to trust, hope, and place their confidence in The Lord our God they will be blessed! God always provides for his children.
As I have discussed in previous settings, it is not the place, but our position and posture in worship.
V. 7, like v. 5 is the spiritual timeless principle and v. 8 is like v. 6 is the analogy.
Note how those in the Lord thrive as they are planted by God in the place where the riverbank provides an endless supply of water and all of the benefits that water insures!
Notice the ability and health of the believers roots!
Whatever that negatively affects the non believer in verses 5 & 6 does not negatively phases the believer of Jesus Christ.
The person who trust in God always produces fruitfulness and their witness and testimony is always obvious to all who will see that they are empowered and supplied by Almighty God.
The natural man may choose to make their choice based upon the place, but remember, it is not a focus on location but our relationship with The Lord!



As a believer you must decide and determine that you should not be moved from your position in Christ.

As a believer you must decide and determine that you should not be moved from your position in Christ.


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